We deliver with DHL Express. Here you'll find information on our shipping rates, calculated based on weight and destination zone. Use the table below to determine the cost of shipping your order to different parts of the world.
For orders that do not require shipping (e.g., eSIM Test Kit), no shipping charges apply.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our sales team.
Weight (in kg) | North-America | Europe |
Digital products (no shipping) | $0 | 0 € |
up to 1,0 | $ 35 | 30 € |
up to 2,0 | $ 40 | 35 € |
up to 5,0 | $ 65 | 50 € |
up to 10,0 | $ 140 | 85 € |
up to 20,0 | $ 230 | 130 € |
over 20,0 | $ 380 | 200 € |